Hello, everybody. Today's topic is about games. You know our children like games most. Because of this reason that I wrote before, we give and offer for teachers to use games, materials, technological devices when teaching english. As you know, English teacher like me use jeopady games that we use it at vocabulary teaching in my lessons.
Technological development in Turkey Classrooms go ahead so fast so Let's observe that we need to develop our teaching skills related to English teaching and technology. In the new education system that we use in our different classroom area, kids give more importance to computer-based programs and materials. Our little kids want to see colourful materials like jeopardy, cartoon works, especially elemantary students.
How to Make An English Game
Imagine that you enter lesson basically and just talk about lesson topic like a talkative and consequently lessons are really boring. Let's look at the behind of the glass, trying to use games and colourful materials in our real english classes , we can say that our goal will be so enjoyable and energitic. Nowadays, we can see that teacher on the country are so lucky that whole education mans and womans around the world prepare wonderful teaching materials to use in the lessons. They give us a perfect chance share these materials in their blogs, websites, instagram accounts and of course Youtube channels. Furthermore they are free to download.
In this part, step to talk about youtube channels, childrens like youtube videos so much. Let's buy a laptop or device like that, you can sure that he/she just will watch videos during the day that she/he live on. Youtube worldwide website has millions of videos to educate english or other lessons for children and this is an insane chance for teachers and their little crazy boys and girls. We should have some rights to use these videos in our lessons to make the lessons productive and we have already this rights, or we should prepare a youtube video to use in the classrooms. Clicking on the link that I gave you, you will have a chance about my sensational youtube channel. Öğretmen Çocuk
Let's Look At the Games
If you want an example from me, I use my luck from preparing Jeopardy games for my lesson and I try to use it in all my English classes. Jeopardy game ,that we talked about on my website page, is so effective for vocabulary meaning and I am sure that you and your teacher will like it so much. Jeopardy is word-competiton game to make vocabulary persistent. You can seperate class one-two or three groups.
When we look at the other side, we can observe that there are a lot of websites,blogs, instagram accounts to play english games on the internet world. After searching an English game on search engines , you will be witness that thousand of websited to play english games. Finally , I want to give a chance you,my dear collogues and my kid , to look at website below.
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